DooBuxx does every effort to keep the website operational and permanently accessible, but DooBuxx cannot guarantee that the Website will permanently be operational and accessible. DooBuxx and / or potential providers of the content of the Website accept under no circumstances any liability for loss or damages of whatever nature, including but not limited to, direct, indirect, special or consequential loss or damage, and / or costs (including but not limited to costs of legal assistance) which are wholly or partly a result of the use, as well problems with the use of the Website, profits, loss of date or other (tangible) goods, arising from or related to use, the inability to use, the disallowing of use, the operation and / or deficiencies in the functioning of the Website.
Information on the WebsiteDooBuxx edits the information offered on the Website with the utmost care and pays the utmost attention to the composition of the Website. Still it is possibly that defects may occur, for this reason. DooBuxx cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information that is published on or via the Website. In addition, DooBuxx does not give any guarantee that the use of the Website will (or could) lead to and / or is suitable for achieving the Website-users desired goal. The managing and maintaining of the application takes place in Nigeria.